Interfaith Dialog – Religious Pluralism = Nonsense

Symbol“Interfaith dialogue” is a pluralistic attempt to find common ground in the values and goals of various religions. Is this something evangelicals should pursue? – Focus on the Family

For some years now the Interfaith movement has gained strength around the world. The Roman Catholic Church has hosted many of these “Interfaith Dialog” meetings at the Vatican and elsewhere. Leaders from many religious backgrounds  had  meetings to  unite and find common ground, hosted by the Vatican and the Pope.

This movement is also known as Religious Pluralism. What exactly does that mean?

“Religious pluralism–understanding and accepting that there is more than one religion.
Interfaith movement–many religions work together on common goals such as social justice, antiwar and antipoverty movements.

“In today’s religious world, it is very important to be respectful of other people’s religions–wars can result if we are not respectful of other religions and cultures.”

USCCB-CM-Plenary-OCT2012--61One of the big players in this movement is Dr. Sayyid M. Syeed. (on the right) Who is he?

Dr. Sayyid M. Syeed, Secretary General of the Islamic Society of North America (ISNA), a national community leader, is chief executive officer of this Plainfield, IN – suburban Indianapolis – based national umbrella organization which has more than 300 affiliates all over the U.S. and Canada.

A naturalized American citizen, Dr. Syeed obtained his Ph.D. in Sociolinguistics from the Indiana University at Bloomington, Indiana, in 1984.

Sounds pretty impressive doesn’t it?  This same Dr. Syeed also said the following:

“Our job is to change the constitution of America.” — Sayyid Syeed, Islamic Society of North America.

Change the Constitution?  Isn’t that something the radical left would like to do, better yet, throw out the Constitution?  Here is a little bit more about Dr. Syeed:

Dr. Syeed has been actively involved in fostering understanding among the world’s religions and has participated in interfaith dialogues at different levels in the U.S.A. and Canada. A frequent speaker at interfaith dialogues, he has served as a member of the Board of Trustees of the Council for a Parliament of the World’s Religions.In recognition of his contribution to inter-religious understanding and harmony, Dr. Syeed was awarded an honorary doctorate of letters by the Graduate Theological Foundation, Donaldson, Indiana on May 4, 2001. He received the Lifetime Achievement Award for distinguished service in furthering the Islamic tradition in North America and for promoting inter-religious understanding and harmony from the Catholic Heritage Foundation, Louisville, Kentucky on November 18, 2001.On January 5, 2002, Mr. Frank O’Bannon, the Governor of Indiana, in his State of the State Address, recognized Dr. Syeed’s “work to educate Americans about the Muslim faith in the wake of the September 11 terror attacks, along with your life’s work to encourage tolerance and racial healing has marked you as a great leader in Indiana.”Dr. Syeed has been invited to speak on Muslim and Islamic issues on the national TV channels, NBC, CBS, CBN, ABC. He was interviewed on PBS on the McNeill-Lehrer Report and appeared on the “Today Show” and CNN’s “Crossfire” and on the national televisions of Turkey, Malaysia, Sudan, Pakistan and Saudi Arabia on matters related to Islam and Islam in America.

Here is the link to the CIFA website if you like to learn more:

The Roman Catholic Church has embraced the Interfaith movement.

Fr.-Giles1-127x170“It has been my pleasure to be part of the New Seminary since its founding in 1981. The New Seminary has helped me understand my own faith…my Catholicism better. I find it exciting to tell students and others, that my way is not the only way; it is one way. We believe in honoring all paths. So we ask our students to hold on to the traditions from which they come, but, be ready and willing to expand their horizons…to learn about other religions and faiths from around the world.” – Fr. Giles Spoonhour, Co-FounderReligious pluralism–understanding and accepting that there is more than one religion. 

One way? Have you not read your Bible Fr. Spoonhour? It is written: “Jesus said to him, “I am the way, the truth, and the life. No one comes to the Father except through Me” Jhn 14:6

In my opinion, this is a very dangerous movement towards a One World Religion that will lead many away from the true and living God, leading them to man-made gods and religions such as Islam, Buddhism, Hinduism, Mormonism, and many other ism’s.

In light of what happened just in the last few month, the Libya attack, the Boston Marathon attack and the just recent butchering of a soldier in the streets of London by followers of Allah, makes me wonder. Should we as followers and believers in the Lord Jesus Christ support the Interfaith Movement? I think not.

Many Christians have already bought into this scheme and will be misled. The ultimate goal is to usher in this One World Religious system, the religion of Anti-christ who is to come. We are already moving towards a One World Government and a global currency.

Islam is a religion of Anti-christ and far away from being peaceful. Islam denies the Son. I believe that the Roman Catholic Church, some Christian churches and Islamist leaders are working towards the goal of uniting the world into a one world religion.

Here is a link to a very good website addressing the issue:

If anyone tries to tell you that Islam is a peaceful religions, look at some of these images and tell me that Islam is a Religion of Peace. Here is the link to an interesting article:

boston-marathon-2Boston Marathon Victim

mosque-cleanup-lashkar-gahClean up at a Mosque after Suicide Bomber

round-up-gays-egyptGays being rounded up, violating Sharia Law

adultery-lowerAdulterer’s punishment. (wanna bet it’s a female?)

I thought this last pictures says it all: Islam-Judaism

In 2007 Islam and Judaism’s holiest holidays overlapped for 10 days.
Muslims racked up 397 dead bodies in 94 terror attacks across 10
countries during this time… while Jews worked on their 159th Nobel Prize.

pictures courtesy of:

From Boston to London and the problem with Radicals

obama.biden_.010809President Obama and Vice President Biden stated before their second term election: Al Qaeda is decimated and on the run, Osama bin Laden is dead and GM is alive.

Really, is Al Qaeda decimated?

What happened in the streets of London today, is now believed to be Al Queda related. This barbaric act is despicable and was not the first, neither will it be the last. The FBI linked one of the two Islamist terrorist brother, responsible for the Boston Marathon bombing to the gruesome triple homicide in Waltham, Massachusetts.






Ibragim Todashev was reportedly an acquaintance of Tamerlan Tsarnaev and they met through their love of martial arts. As in London, the killers/terrorist used knifes and there maybe a possible link to an Al Qaeda technique attacking soldiers around the globe.

Today’s butchering of the soldier in London is another beautiful example how peaceful Islam is. When will people wake up and realize that Radical Islam is the cause for many of the problems around the world?

052213_woolich_incident_640These radicals are barbaric and we have entered a time back into barbarianism. The West is under attack by radical Islam and they have taken the fight into our streets. I believe that we will see more and more of these violent acts by homegrown Terrorist and if we don’t speak up, we will see more blood and death in our neighborhoods.

These radicals come from different Muslim controlled countries, like Nigeria, Somalia, Chechnya and others, move to either Europe or the US and  bring their hate for the West and infidels home to us, trying to kill as many as they can in the name of Allah.

How many more of these bastards are still lurking right now, living amongst us, just waiting for an opportune time?

How can we identify those that want to cause us harm? It’s very difficult,  if we continue to be afraid of speaking out against these animals because of “Political Correctness” that is promoted by the left and is causing this country to be more vulnerable.

How much longer will the so-called “Peaceful Muslims” that either live abroad or in this country be mostly silent? Where is their outrage? Where is the outrage when it comes to the liberal media who labels people like me that voice their opinion as Islamaphobic’s?

I’m getting tired of hearing these radicals shouting Allahu Akbar like the one in London on the news, proudly proclaiming that “none of us will be safe.” Very comforting, considering that we have an ongoing move by the left towards gun control and demonizing gun owners because they want to protect their families.

I’m not sure what the solution to this problem with Radical Islam is. I mean, how can you fight an ideology?

Many red flags should be raised and I believe that “racial profiling” is a must considering all the recent and past attacks by those who adhere to the Muslim religion. It is not Sven from Sweden that wants to hurt us, but radicals that come from Muslim Countries or were born in this country, have known the American way of life, but still hate us and want to kill us.

I also believe that by “racial profiling” we could find some of these sleeper cells, waiting to do us harm. We need to stop tip toeing around Islam and Muslims and act before it is too late. England is in the process to become Europe’s  first Islamic Country. Just Google radical Islam and see the problems the UK had and has with the Muslim population.

I’m not sure what the future will bring, but I hope that people will wake up to the threat of Radical Islam and stop treating incidences like the Ft Hood shooting as work related incidences.

There is no comparison between the Bible and the Koran. The Bible is divinely inspired, God breathed and the Koran are just some collected writings by a so-called prophet who thought that he was demon possessed. What did Jesus, Who is God in the flesh and a true Prophet teach us?

“But I say to you, love your enemies, bless those who curse you, do good to those who hate you, and pray for those who spitefully use you and persecute you, hat you may be sons of your Father in heaven; for He makes His sun rise on the evil and on the good, and sends rain on the just and on the unjust.” Mat 5:44, 45.  What a concept.

That’s all I have for now and I just needed to say something and welcome you feedback and thoughts. I may add some additional thought at a later time.

Israel and the Gog Magog War

End Times Tribulation Watch


The map above reveals how surrounded Israel is by its sworn enemies.
Israel is the key piece in the prophetic puzzle. War has surrounded and pursued them since their reemergence as a nation-state back in 1948.

They were attacked in that first year when the nations of the world helped to fulfill Bible prophecy and helped to seemingly bring the nation back to life again after nearly 2000 years of being scattered across many nations. It was an amazing feat all on its own, the fact that the Jewish people remained a distinct people and didn’t just merge with the people groups among whom they lived for all of those years.

It was also amazing that the hatred of the Jewish people remained so strong toward this small and outcast people. Such a small amount of people and yet so hated by so many people. Why such strong hatred for Jews? It’s spiritual in…

View original post 2,321 more words

Iran, Hypocrites and the Peaceful Muslims

Pastor Saeed AbediniAgain we are hearing about a Christian pastor being imprisoned in Iran. Most people are familiar with Pastor Youcef Nadarkhani who was recently released from an Iranian jail after serving three years for being a former Muslim who converted to Christianity. This time, it is a native Iranian pastor, though presently an US citizen, who faces a trial in the very near future. His name is Saeed Abedini, a family man who converted from Islam to Christianity.

Some media outlets cover the story, but to a minimum and this man is facing a very tough judge which some call the “hanging judge” next week, on January 21st. His fate is unknown to this point. Iran does not recognize his American citizenship, and from an Islamic point of view, he is a traitor, which is punishable by death.

Nadarkhani was freed after Fox News reported relentlessly about his imprisonment. Where was the liberal media on this? Where are these so-called human rights activists,  or the UN?

What bothers me is, where are all of the peace-loving and peaceful Muslims abroad, and here in the US? I have not seen much protest or outcry from the Muslim community around the world on this injustice that is taking place either.

Is it because Saeed Abedini is a Christian? Why is it that Muslims go berserk over a stupid video, protesting around the world causing death and damages and no one in the Muslim community speaks out? Where is CAIR on this? And where are the peace-loving Muslims in protest of what the Islamic regime of Iran is doing to Christians?

Christians are persecuted around the world, yet nobody seems to care. Much of the persecution comes from the Islamic religion. Muslims want to be treated with respect, but where is the respect of Muslims towards Christians and other faith groups?

In this country, the good old USA, we can hardly say anything against Islam or the Islamic faith without Muslims crying out in protest with the liberal media alongside them.

That is hypocritical and wrong. My dear Muslim, if you want to be treated with respect regarding your faith, respect others as well. As long as Islam is killing Christians because of their faith in Jesus Christ, I will not respect your religion or your prophet.

It is time to stand up and stop bowing down to an intolerant group of people and speak up against the injustice caused by radical Islamist as well as the silent peace-loving Muslims. Their silence makes them irrelevant. Maybe deep within they all hate Christians and are just waiting for Islam to take over the world. May that not be true or ever happen.

I don’t hate Muslims or their faith, but enough is enough. I’m tired of seeing our President going on an apology tour in the Muslim world, while Christians are getting killed and persecuted by Muslims. I’m tired of our government bending over backwards to please the Muslim world, but has no back bone to stand up against the injustice caused by them.

I’m tired of liberal hypocrites and Atheist mocking Christianity, but say hardly anything against the Islamic religion. Why is that? Are people like Bill Maher and Richard Dawkins afraid of them? If they would mock Islam as they mock Christianity, I believe they would be 6 feet under ground.

I for one will not be silent about the persecution towards the Christian faith and the attack by the liberals and Atheist on my beliefs. I hope and pray that Saeed Abedini will be freed, although things don’t look to good for him at this time.

What would you say, my peace-loving Muslim, if America or Europe persecuted you for your faith? Tortured you, and put you in prison? Don’t you think that the Imams in the American Mosque should speak out against the persecution of Christians around the world?  After all, aren’t Muslims who live in America supposed to be American?

CAIR is all over the news when they feel that Muslim are being treated unfairly, where are they now? Please people, wake up and don’t be silent like these hypocrites. Saeed Abedini has the right to be a Christian and no one should deny people their faith.

I hope that this will stay in the news and that people will speak out in defense of Saeed Abedini and his family.

I am sure that this Pastor Saeed Abedini is strong in his faith and I know that Jesus will give him the strength to endure whatever may come. May the Lord watch over him.

Living in Biblical Times

We are inching closer to a two state solution which would be disastrous for Israel. The day will come and looking at the Middle East especially the massacre by the Syrian regime on it’s own people without the UN really helping the people of Syria.

The world just looks on while according to the rebel forces over 40.000 people have been slaughtered.

I believe that we are coming very close to  Joel chapter 3 being fulfilled:

“For behold, in those days and at that time, When I bring back the captives of Judah and Jerusalem.”  Joel 3:1.

God did that in 1948,  when Israel was back in the land. Prophecy fulfilled.

“I will also gather all nations, And bring them down to the Valley of Jehoshaphat; And I will enter into judgment with them there On account of My people, My heritage Israel, Whom they have scattered among the nations; They have also divided up My land.”  Joel 3:2.

The first part will come after the division of the land, which will happen. Note, it says “they have also divided up my land.”

Israel will be divided, whether Israel likes it or not.

This  will happen in the very near future. Something will happen with Syria. There is one prophecy that has not yet been fulfilled. It is a prophecy in Isaiah 17.

“The burden against Damascus. “Behold, Damascus will cease from being a city, And it will be a ruinous heap.” Isaiah 17:1.

Damascus is one of the oldest inhabited city in the world. Listening to the news and the advancement of the rebels towards Damascus could bring this prophecy into reality sooner as we may think. All it takes is one nuke.

The stage is set for a two state resolution, Syria is in a civil war and Iran is going rogue, sympathizing with the Syrian regime, Hamas, Hezbollah and other terrorist organizations.

In Egypt, the Muslim brotherhood has taken over and President Mursi is trying to set himself up as a dictator. The US is almost powerless in the Middle East and has lost the confidence of some Muslim that want freedom and a democracy in the region. Maybe one of the reasons that we can’t find America mentioned in the Bible?

The Middle East is a powder keg that can go off big time at any time. Iran is getting closer to a nuclear weapon threatening to wipe Israel of the map. Ahmadinejad is reigning in chaos and is eagerly awaiting the 12th Imam.

We are truly living in biblical times and we see things that no other generation has seen. We see the globalization of the world, the US moving toward socialism and President Obama as a promoter of a global economy i.e a one world order with a worldwide currency.

Now is the time to watch. Everyday something is changing and I do believe that God is shaking up the world. The world is struck with perplexity and we hear of wars and rumors of war.

Jesus told us about all these things that will come to pass and there will be a person that will emerge to bring a peace plan to the Middle East. A 7 year peace plan that will according to the Bible fall apart in the middle after 3 1/2 years which will usher in the Great Tribulation.

I’m not making any prediction when this will happen, but looking at the way things are developing, it’s time to wake up and look up.

I think that we will see some things in the very near future that will drive the world into a tailspin. Are you ready?

The study of Eschatology is important, especially now that we are getting closer to many prophecies come to pass.

Ezekiel 38, 39. Daniel, Mark 13, Luke 21 and Matthew 25, some of Paul’s writing, the book of Joel, Zechariah and of course the book of Revelation. There are other that I didn’t mentioned, but God has given us His word. We should not be surprised or shocked as the world will be, because the Lord has given us all knowledge.

Pray for the peace of Jerusalem. Pray for the Muslim world and pray that many people will come to the knowledge of the truth. God is working all things for good. He is on the throne and He is in control over all things.

Ticked off about Libya and Lies

I am truly upset with President Obama and his administration on how they have handled the Libya situation to this day.

The President and the administration are openly lying to the American people and continue to do so about the terrorist attacks in which cost the lives of four Americans.

Two month later and still,  there are no answers. The President refuses to come out with the truth. He is more concerned about his re-election then doing what is right, talking to the American people. Many believe that we will not hear what really happened in Benghazi until after the election.

I  saw a Obama announcement given by the President about the storm that is hitting the East Coast. Instead of being concerned about the possible damages or even death this storm may cause, he  seems to be more concerned that people may not make it to the polls in time and vote for him and the Democrats.

Obama is telling the  people to go and vote now before the storm hits a large area of the East Coast. He even offered transportation to those who may have difficulties making it it to the polls.

I believe that Barack Obama has shown what his priorities are: to get re-elected at any cause. He also revealed his character, he sat by while four brave Americans got killed,  even-though they ask for help and were denied help three times.

Is that real leadership, expected from a commander in chief?  President Obama has not show any leadership at all  and I believe,  he is concealing the truth about Benghazi because it is  not convenient so close to the elections.  This current administration openly lied and continue lie to the American people for purely political reasons. How in the world can anybody vote for a administration that has shown no transparency?

Besides the failing economy, the unemployment rate and a debt of over 16 trillion dollars, this Libya fiasco should be enough for the people to see what kind of leader President Obama is and will be in the next four years.

This will be a big story as more and more truth is coming out and eventually we will find out what really happened. We are voting in a few days and if anyone leans towards voting for Obama,  I would seriously think about it,  given all the new developments coming to light.

If you are a first time female time voter,  you may want to save yourself for another guy,  not the first guy that comes along and fools you with big flattering words and then screws and dumps you. Which may not apply to you Lena Dunham because you have a pretty cushy job with HBO, while young girls fresh out of college can’t find a job.

President Obama does not want to speak about Libya because of the election and there is nothing more important for the liberals including the liberal media to get him re-elected. He has not addressed the people and the parents and wives of these four brave men are still waiting for answers. I feel the pain and frustration of the four families that lost their loved one.

If this would have happened under a Republican President, the liberals and the liberal media would have been all over this. President Obama has so far avoided to address the Benghazi attack and will be silent because it does not fit with his rhetoric about Al Qaeda is on the run and Osama Bin Laden is dead. Instead we see the opposite, Al Qaeda is very much alive in North Africa. This President would have us believe that the war on terror is just about over and the enemy is defeated, which is far from the truth.

Our enemies are regrouping and they want to kill Americans wherever they can. This administration does not like or use the term “war on terror” much and seems to be either naive or is blind to the fact that there are radical terrorist all over the world, including in this country, ready to kill Americans.   I cannot vote for somebody that has shown a poor character, terrible leadership and will do whatever it takes to win this years election.

The President is suppose to be working for the people and protect the people of this great land. President Obama has been on the campaign trail for the last 2 years. He courts the liberals in Hollywood and stays away from tough questions. He’d rather be “Eye Candy” for the ladies at the View and appears on MTV answering stupid questions that have nothing to do with current issues, foreign policies etc.

We are a free country and everybody can choose who they will vote for. I respect that. But instead of being led by emotions , people should look at the facts. The Obama administration has failed and it will be four more years of the same if re-elected.

This year will be one of the closest elections ever and it seems that the “anointed one” or as the “messiah” as the press called him in 2008. I’m not much of a political oriented writer, but somehow I’m really ticked off about this whole Libya situation. The truth will come out and it will haunt President Obama, re-elected or not.

I’m just ticked off seeing a President being silent about Benghazi  and is more concerned about being President four more years than running this country and protect it’s people and come out with what really happened in Libya before the elections.

Shame on this administration for not being transparent and forthright about Benghazi. There is way more to the story and it will shock people once the truth is finally revealed. Unfortunately we will not know much more until after the elections. Before you vote this November 6th, remember the four Americans that gave their lives for us.


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