Bill Maher and the Liberal mindset

Why is it that liberal 1 Million Dollar Obama Campaign supporter Bill Maher can make a racist remark like, “if you vote for Romney, the “Black People” know who you are and will come after you” on HBO without any of the liberal media chastising him?

If a conservative would have made that kind of a statement, the liberal media and the NAACP would have been all over this calling conservatives “racist”. I think it is an outrage and the black community should be outraged about comments like this. This does not bring the country together, but divides people.

We are all Americans regardless of our ethnic backgrounds. Where is Jesse Jackson for example condemning this statement made by Maher? He would have been on TV if someone like Rush Limbaugh would have said it.

It is clear by a statement like that, that it is the liberal side of the Democrats that incites class warfare, not the other way around. I think it is a shame that is this day and age we have to bring color into the Presidential race, rather than the issues such as economy, unemployment etc.

Bill Maher needs to apologize for this statement instead of being allowed spewing his hatred for conservatives on HBO and other shows.

I voted for the other guy and my decision was not because of color. I voted for Romney because I fimly believe that he has a better plan for the next 4 years. Do I not have the right to my beliefs and opinions?

Should I be intimated by Maher and be afraid that “Black People” will come after me?

That kind of statement Maher made, shows me clearly the mindset of liberals. It’s time for this nonsense to stop and for people to step up, condemning those kind of remarks from either sides. We as Americans need to come together as one.

Ticked off about Libya and Lies

I am truly upset with President Obama and his administration on how they have handled the Libya situation to this day.

The President and the administration are openly lying to the American people and continue to do so about the terrorist attacks in which cost the lives of four Americans.

Two month later and still,  there are no answers. The President refuses to come out with the truth. He is more concerned about his re-election then doing what is right, talking to the American people. Many believe that we will not hear what really happened in Benghazi until after the election.

I  saw a Obama announcement given by the President about the storm that is hitting the East Coast. Instead of being concerned about the possible damages or even death this storm may cause, he  seems to be more concerned that people may not make it to the polls in time and vote for him and the Democrats.

Obama is telling the  people to go and vote now before the storm hits a large area of the East Coast. He even offered transportation to those who may have difficulties making it it to the polls.

I believe that Barack Obama has shown what his priorities are: to get re-elected at any cause. He also revealed his character, he sat by while four brave Americans got killed,  even-though they ask for help and were denied help three times.

Is that real leadership, expected from a commander in chief?  President Obama has not show any leadership at all  and I believe,  he is concealing the truth about Benghazi because it is  not convenient so close to the elections.  This current administration openly lied and continue lie to the American people for purely political reasons. How in the world can anybody vote for a administration that has shown no transparency?

Besides the failing economy, the unemployment rate and a debt of over 16 trillion dollars, this Libya fiasco should be enough for the people to see what kind of leader President Obama is and will be in the next four years.

This will be a big story as more and more truth is coming out and eventually we will find out what really happened. We are voting in a few days and if anyone leans towards voting for Obama,  I would seriously think about it,  given all the new developments coming to light.

If you are a first time female time voter,  you may want to save yourself for another guy,  not the first guy that comes along and fools you with big flattering words and then screws and dumps you. Which may not apply to you Lena Dunham because you have a pretty cushy job with HBO, while young girls fresh out of college can’t find a job.

President Obama does not want to speak about Libya because of the election and there is nothing more important for the liberals including the liberal media to get him re-elected. He has not addressed the people and the parents and wives of these four brave men are still waiting for answers. I feel the pain and frustration of the four families that lost their loved one.

If this would have happened under a Republican President, the liberals and the liberal media would have been all over this. President Obama has so far avoided to address the Benghazi attack and will be silent because it does not fit with his rhetoric about Al Qaeda is on the run and Osama Bin Laden is dead. Instead we see the opposite, Al Qaeda is very much alive in North Africa. This President would have us believe that the war on terror is just about over and the enemy is defeated, which is far from the truth.

Our enemies are regrouping and they want to kill Americans wherever they can. This administration does not like or use the term “war on terror” much and seems to be either naive or is blind to the fact that there are radical terrorist all over the world, including in this country, ready to kill Americans.   I cannot vote for somebody that has shown a poor character, terrible leadership and will do whatever it takes to win this years election.

The President is suppose to be working for the people and protect the people of this great land. President Obama has been on the campaign trail for the last 2 years. He courts the liberals in Hollywood and stays away from tough questions. He’d rather be “Eye Candy” for the ladies at the View and appears on MTV answering stupid questions that have nothing to do with current issues, foreign policies etc.

We are a free country and everybody can choose who they will vote for. I respect that. But instead of being led by emotions , people should look at the facts. The Obama administration has failed and it will be four more years of the same if re-elected.

This year will be one of the closest elections ever and it seems that the “anointed one” or as the “messiah” as the press called him in 2008. I’m not much of a political oriented writer, but somehow I’m really ticked off about this whole Libya situation. The truth will come out and it will haunt President Obama, re-elected or not.

I’m just ticked off seeing a President being silent about Benghazi  and is more concerned about being President four more years than running this country and protect it’s people and come out with what really happened in Libya before the elections.

Shame on this administration for not being transparent and forthright about Benghazi. There is way more to the story and it will shock people once the truth is finally revealed. Unfortunately we will not know much more until after the elections. Before you vote this November 6th, remember the four Americans that gave their lives for us.


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