Iran, Hypocrites and the Peaceful Muslims

Pastor Saeed AbediniAgain we are hearing about a Christian pastor being imprisoned in Iran. Most people are familiar with Pastor Youcef Nadarkhani who was recently released from an Iranian jail after serving three years for being a former Muslim who converted to Christianity. This time, it is a native Iranian pastor, though presently an US citizen, who faces a trial in the very near future. His name is Saeed Abedini, a family man who converted from Islam to Christianity.

Some media outlets cover the story, but to a minimum and this man is facing a very tough judge which some call the “hanging judge” next week, on January 21st. His fate is unknown to this point. Iran does not recognize his American citizenship, and from an Islamic point of view, he is a traitor, which is punishable by death.

Nadarkhani was freed after Fox News reported relentlessly about his imprisonment. Where was the liberal media on this? Where are these so-called human rights activists,  or the UN?

What bothers me is, where are all of the peace-loving and peaceful Muslims abroad, and here in the US? I have not seen much protest or outcry from the Muslim community around the world on this injustice that is taking place either.

Is it because Saeed Abedini is a Christian? Why is it that Muslims go berserk over a stupid video, protesting around the world causing death and damages and no one in the Muslim community speaks out? Where is CAIR on this? And where are the peace-loving Muslims in protest of what the Islamic regime of Iran is doing to Christians?

Christians are persecuted around the world, yet nobody seems to care. Much of the persecution comes from the Islamic religion. Muslims want to be treated with respect, but where is the respect of Muslims towards Christians and other faith groups?

In this country, the good old USA, we can hardly say anything against Islam or the Islamic faith without Muslims crying out in protest with the liberal media alongside them.

That is hypocritical and wrong. My dear Muslim, if you want to be treated with respect regarding your faith, respect others as well. As long as Islam is killing Christians because of their faith in Jesus Christ, I will not respect your religion or your prophet.

It is time to stand up and stop bowing down to an intolerant group of people and speak up against the injustice caused by radical Islamist as well as the silent peace-loving Muslims. Their silence makes them irrelevant. Maybe deep within they all hate Christians and are just waiting for Islam to take over the world. May that not be true or ever happen.

I don’t hate Muslims or their faith, but enough is enough. I’m tired of seeing our President going on an apology tour in the Muslim world, while Christians are getting killed and persecuted by Muslims. I’m tired of our government bending over backwards to please the Muslim world, but has no back bone to stand up against the injustice caused by them.

I’m tired of liberal hypocrites and Atheist mocking Christianity, but say hardly anything against the Islamic religion. Why is that? Are people like Bill Maher and Richard Dawkins afraid of them? If they would mock Islam as they mock Christianity, I believe they would be 6 feet under ground.

I for one will not be silent about the persecution towards the Christian faith and the attack by the liberals and Atheist on my beliefs. I hope and pray that Saeed Abedini will be freed, although things don’t look to good for him at this time.

What would you say, my peace-loving Muslim, if America or Europe persecuted you for your faith? Tortured you, and put you in prison? Don’t you think that the Imams in the American Mosque should speak out against the persecution of Christians around the world?  After all, aren’t Muslims who live in America supposed to be American?

CAIR is all over the news when they feel that Muslim are being treated unfairly, where are they now? Please people, wake up and don’t be silent like these hypocrites. Saeed Abedini has the right to be a Christian and no one should deny people their faith.

I hope that this will stay in the news and that people will speak out in defense of Saeed Abedini and his family.

I am sure that this Pastor Saeed Abedini is strong in his faith and I know that Jesus will give him the strength to endure whatever may come. May the Lord watch over him.


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