Dr. Martin Luther King, President Obama, Gun Control and Abortion

picture courtesy of biography.com
picture courtesy of biography.com

Today, we celebrate Dr. Martin Luther King Day. He was a great man of faith, a man with convictions and without compromise, believing in love, honor and respect.

I am writing this post to pay my respect and homage to him. Tomorrow will also be the inauguration for President Obama’s second term.

There will be a lot of references towards Dr.King Jr. and after seeing his niece Aveda King on TV talking about her uncle and criticizing the President and the Washington Establishment, I felt to write some thoughts of mine down about the hypocrisy of this current administration and politicians in general.

Pres. Obama is the most pro abortion President in history.

He is advocating gun control, because of the tragedy that happened in Newtown, Connecticut. Many young innocent children and adults got killed that day and people are mourning their senseless death. A truly sad day in America, but his proposals on gun control won’t change anything. Criminals do not abide by the law. They are law breakers by nature.

The President spoke much about Sandy Hook, Columbine and Colorado and other tragic events like the shooting in Ft Hood, which was deemed a workplace violence instead of what it really was a terrorist attack.

Yet, this President has no problems with millions of young innocent life’s killed since Roe vs Wade in 1973. He has changed position in his beliefs on abortions during the last campaign, ensuring votes from many of the female voters. Labeling it women’s rights.

Today, on Dr. Martin Luther King Day, we as a nation are celebrating the life and great achievements of this truly amazing leader.

Aveda King, the niece of MLK, spoke out against this hypocrisy on national TV. She said that many give lip service to Dr. King, but are doing the opposite of what he believed in and stood for.

Dr. King Jr.  did not believe in this wide scale abortion or same-sex marriage. Those, in my opinion are not civil rights issues.

There is much hypocrisy in Washington on both side of the aisle. Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. will be honored tomorrow and politicians will quote him, yet they are far from him.

Dr. King Jr. believed in and preached love, Agape love. He believed in the message of Jesus, the message of love.

The inauguration of Pres. Obama today,  will sadly overshadow Martin Luther King Day.

Pres. Obama will use this day also to honor Dr. King, which is fine, but in all reality, I believe that MLK would not be pleased with the policies of this President, when it comes to the abortion issue or same-sex marriage. President Obama flipped flopped on many issues because of political reasons. He compromised for political gain.

Dr. King Jr. was real, he was a man of faith. He had convictions and he stuck to his convictions. He did not compromise on his beliefs and the word of God and what it teaches.

He would not be in agreement with the abortion of so many innocent children since 1973.


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