
Contemprovant-4I have been thinking about the “church” a lot in the last couple of month. Especially the “American Church.” Many of the main denominations have been lukewarm for quite some time it seems that some have completely departed from the faith.

They are far from what the early church was, who relied on the Holy Spirit.  Nothing was done without the guidance of the Holy Spirit.

A friend of mine, posted a message just today having similar concerns about the church. Are we doing what we were asked to do? Are we helping those in need?  Feed the poor and take care of orphans and widows as Jesus commanded us?

Don’t misunderstand me, there are those who have a genuine heart to do the great commission and are doing a great job helping those in need.

I am speaking in general, the overall picture that I am getting is that some churches as I said before are lukewarm, watering down the gospel, trying not to offend anybody. They do not want to mention the word sin, let alone the blood of Christ.

They just want people to feel comfortable and cozy and enjoy little “sermonette’s.”

Others are trying to be more contemporary, putting on concerts with so-called Christian Bands that don’t look all that much different from Nirvana or the Foo Fighters.

There are so many activities going on around church, that one can loose track of which one to attend. It is sad to see the increase of activities and the rapid decline of teaching the word of truth.

I’m not singling out one particular church or churches, I see a movement within the American Churches that worries me a bit. There is for one a movement called “Religious Pluralism” or “Interfaith movement” which I wrote a few weeks ago about that is sweeping the churches, especially those who were already pretty much in agreement with the world and have  compromised the true gospel.

I see this movement to be more “Contemprovant” in many churches and it does worry me to a degree. We now need light shows and PA systems that Metallica would be happy to have when they go on tour. Whatever happened to the more simple things? A time of worship and praise, followed by a study from the word of God? Why does everything has to look like modern and up to date?

The early church didn’t have any of that and there was no need to have any of those modern things like light shows, gigantic speakers and worship bands that look just like secular bands with their designer clothing and tattoos (Christian tattoos of course).

There is an old saying that goes something like that: If the Holy Spirit would have been removed from the early church, the church would have ceased to exist. If the Holy Spirit would be removed from today’s churches, 90% of the activities would continue.

Those are just one of my personal thoughts and I’m not saying that I’m right and everybody else is wrong. I’m just voicing some concerns and I would truly appreciate your feedback from either side of this issue.

May the Lord richly bless you and may we not lose our focus on Jesus, as Peter did when he stepped out of the boat to walk on the water as Jesus did. He lost focus and he started to drown. May the church not drown because it has lost it’s focus on Jesus and the guidance of the Holy Spirit.

Here is a link to a Christian Parody video called “Contemprovant”.  I think you get the idea.


The coming war of Gog and Magog?

Looking at the headlines today about the unrest in the Middle East makes one wonder, what’s next?  It all started with Tunisia when one man set himself on fire. That set off a wave of protest throughout the Arab world what the media calls the Arab spring. Sudan became two countries, the North and the South with a border along the Nuba mountains. There are reports that came out just recently that a Bible college and 4 churches that are set up by Samaritan Purse have been bombed by radicals Islamist in South Sudan. Sudan is an ongoing battle to this day.

Next came Egypt and the removal of Mubarak after long and heavy fighting of the people against the regime. No one is really certain what the new government will finally look like. Egypt has been a long-standing ally of the US and had a peaceful existence with Israel, which seems to fade fast.

And who can forget Libya and Qaddafi’s regime? He and his son vowed a long and bloody battle. Many people died until Qaddafi was captured and killed by his own people. Now the Syrian regime is in the news and has killed at least 5000 protesters since the unrest by the people started.  Just recently the UN failed to come to a resolution to oust Assad, even though the people of Syria are crying out to the world for help. Russia and China are the two countries that are opposed to the ousting of Assad.

The UN has been ineffective many time and is in my opinion irrelevant. They are headquartered in New York City. It might be a good idea to vacate the building and set up shop somewhere in the Middle East. At least it would be much easier traveling for Ahmadinejad and Hugo Chavez who hate the US anyways. And now Iran again is threatening with the annihilation of the state of Israel. Just recently the supreme leader came out with a statement why it is religiously justifiable to wipe out Israel.  http://www.wnd.com/2012/02/ayatollah-kill-all-jews-annihilate-israel/ 

Israel is under tremendous pressure and it seems that the world has abandoned Israel. A nuclear Iran with a rogue regime like Ahmadinejad would be world-changing. Israel cannot allow for Iran to develop a nuclear weapon that would be aimed at them. Just today the Israeli Ambassador to the US declared that Israel will act unilateral if necessary. There are many speculations floating around if and when Israel will attack Iran. Many believe that it could come as early as this spring. Although sanctions have been imposed by the UN and the US, they have not deterred the Iranian regime from developing a nuclear weapon.

The Bible has prophesied many of these things and I believe we are at the verge of an all out war of biblical proportions. Could this be the Gog and Magog war spoken off in Ezekiel 38 and 39? I don’t know, I don’t want to make any predictions, but we are seeing some events unfolding as we have never seen them before. I have a strong sense that by this summer, we will see some events happen that could possibly cause an all out war in the Middle East. The escalation of Iran vs Israel could be the trigger for biblical prophecy to unfold right in front of our eyes. Iran wants to create chaos, in the Shiite religious belief, chaos will usher in the 12th imam or the Mahdi. It is Islams version of the Messiah, which is the Antichrist in Christianity.

What exactly will happen in the near future is uncertain, but I believe we have never been closer to the escalation of Gog and Magog. Many Bible scholars believe that Magog is Russia and as many of you know the former Soviet Union has changed dramatically over the last years. Many of the southern states are Islamic and are at the north of Israel with other Islamic countries virtually surrounding Israel. I have spoken to some Jewish scholars and some believe that China is part of Magog as well. That of course is a possibility, China sides with Russia on many decisions made at the UN. One thing is for sure, Israel has many enemies that surround her.

Coming back to Syria for a moment, there is a prophecy about Syria in the book of Isaiah that declares Damascus will be a heap of ashes. “The burden against Damascus. “Behold, Damascus will cease from being a city, And it will be a ruinous heap.” Isaiah 17:1.  That has not happened yet, Damascus is one of the oldest inhabited cities in the world. Seeing what’s happening in Syria, maybe that prophecy is not too far off? Whatever happens in the near future, we need to look at the Middle East, especially Israel. Israel is the center of the world,  Jerusalem is the center of Israel and the temple mount i.e Mount Moriah is the Epicenter.

It is also time for us Christians to stand with Israel, our current administration has thrown Israel under the bus and Israel will once again face the threats virtually alone. But on thing is for sure, Israel is the apple of God’s eye and God will not allow anybody to wipe them off the map. His promises to Abraham, Issac and Jacob will be fulfilled and the predictions about Gog and Magog will be fulfilled. God is in control and He will preserve and protect His chosen people. Let us all pray for the people of Israel that face a constant threat of annihilation from her enemies. If this escalation will result in the war of Gog and Magog or maybe a precursor, who knows. The stage is set. We are in the final act.

“For behold, Your enemies make a tumult; And those who hate You have lifted up their head. They have taken crafty counsel against Your people, And consulted together against Your sheltered ones. They have said, “Come, and let us cut them off from being a nation, That the name of Israel may be remembered no more.”Psalm 83:2-4.

Why does God?

Why does God allow so much suffering in the world? That is a question I hear many times from believers and unbelievers alike. Unbelievers argue, if God is all-knowing and all-powerful, why does He just sit by and does nothing to prevent suffering? People are getting murdered and God does nothing to prevent it. Women get raped and killed, God does nothing. Many people are brutalized around the world and God does nothing to stop it. There are government’s that oppresses the people, who kill and jail them or torture those who are in opposition to them e.g the resent unrest in Syria.

We hear and see these atrocities and suffering everyday in the media. Suicide bombers who kill innocent people for their religious cause. Heinous crimes committed against humanity and individuals, yet God chooses to do nothing to stop any of it. These are legitimate questions and the argument if God sees all things and knows all things, why doesn’t He do anything about it are very reasonable.

Believe me, I have asked myself that question many times. Why does God? Whenever the question arises why does God, we don’t have the answers and we just don’t know. In that case we need to go back to what we do know, God is all-powerful, all-knowing and He is in control. His ways are higher than our ways.

Although it seems for us to be incomprehensible the things that are going on around the world and in our own neighborhood, there is a purpose for everything. First of all I would have to say that it is not God that causes all the sufferings in the world, it is us. It is mankind that has disobeyed God almost from the beginning and we see the consequences thereof. We are living in a fallen world and in this fallen world we will have to suffer these consequences. It is not that God likes to see or enjoys these sufferings, but He does allow them for His divine and ultimate purposes. He has given man a free will and freedom to choose.

Unfortunately, we as mankind have made the wrong choices and exercised our free will. We have followed man’s wisdom rather than God’s wisdom.  Has God ever intervened in man’s affairs? I am certain that He has. The Bible teaches very clearly that He is in control. “The instant I speak concerning a nation and concerning a kingdom, to pluck up, to pull down, and to destroy it, “if that nation against whom I have spoken turns from its evil, I will relent of the disaster that I thought to bring upon it. “And the instant I speak concerning a nation and concerning a kingdom, to build and to plant it, “if it does evil in My sight so that it does not obey My voice, then I will relent concerning the good with which I said I would benefit it.” Jer 18:7-10. God is the one that establishes kingdoms and rulers for His purpose and He is in absolute control over them.

I am a firm believer that God has established the United States and has blessed the United States. People in the US are truly blessed compared to so many other places in the world. But I also see a dangerous trend of abandoning God in this country which will result in God withdrawing more and more of His blessings. That is a choice that we as a county have to make. There are some that want to remove God from everyday life and I believe that we will reap the consequences as a nation. I think a lot of people are not grateful to God and don’t even realize how blessed they are. We have conveniences that many others can only dream about. I do see a moral decline in this country as well as in other countries around the world and I think that it will get worse in the future.

Evil does exist and evil is caused by man. God did not invent evil, neither does He condone it. Lucifer in his rebellion and by deceiving Adam and Eve brought evil into the world. There are evil people, they are dictators such as Hitler, Stalin, Mao and many others in the past to this present day. There are evil people in general, causing murder, rapes etc. Society is not getting any better as some who claim that we can be “good without God.”

If morality declines evilness and wickedness will be on the increase. There are many godless countries and I don’t see a “perfect society” anywhere. The people who blame God for all the suffering in the world are in my humble opinion wrong. Many state that God does not exist, yet they blame Him.  It is man who causes all the suffering by their choice and free will. They are controlled by the prince of this word i.e Satan. Although we may not see God or the wicked one physically, there is a spiritual battle raging in the heavenly realm.

There will come a day, which I believe is in the very near future that Jesus Christ will return to the earth and defeat the armies of Satan and establishes His millennial reign here upon the earth. Many of those who think that they can do evil things without consequences are gravely mistaken.

The day will come when God will judge all man who have not worshiped or honored Him as the true and living God and they will pay for the suffering they have caused. God is longsuffering and He wants everyone to come to repentance and turn from their wicked ways. We don’t know the day or they hour, but be assured that day will come and God will judge people through Jesus Christ who have done evil in His eyes. Until then, we will see sufferings, atrocities and evil rulers and dictators that think that they can get away with murder. Their day in court will come.

“And I saw the dead, small and great, standing before God, and books were opened. And another book was opened, which is the Book of Life. And the dead were judged according to their works, by the things which were written in the books. The sea gave up the dead who were in it, and Death and Hades delivered up the dead who were in them. And they were judged, each one according to his works. Then Death and Hades were cast into the lake of fire. This is the second death. And anyone not found written in the Book of Life was cast into the lake of fire.” Rev 20: 12-15.

If you are a true believer in Jesus Christ, you are written in the book of life, no white throne judgment will face you.  If you an unbeliever and reject God and His ways, your day of judgment will come. Don’t get me wrong, I do not delight in anyone facing the white throne judgment. God wants everybody to come to the knowledge of the truth which is in Jesus Christ. He gave Hid only begotten Son, so that those who believe will be saved and have eternal life, not eternal separation from God. It is never too late to turn to God and ask for forgiveness, no matter what you may have done. There is no sin that cannot be forgiven, except one and that is the rejection of Christ Jesus.

Until the return of Christ, there will be sufferings and pain in the world. Don’t blame God for these things, blame mankind.


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