
Contemprovant-4I have been thinking about the “church” a lot in the last couple of month. Especially the “American Church.” Many of the main denominations have been lukewarm for quite some time it seems that some have completely departed from the faith.

They are far from what the early church was, who relied on the Holy Spirit.  Nothing was done without the guidance of the Holy Spirit.

A friend of mine, posted a message just today having similar concerns about the church. Are we doing what we were asked to do? Are we helping those in need?  Feed the poor and take care of orphans and widows as Jesus commanded us?

Don’t misunderstand me, there are those who have a genuine heart to do the great commission and are doing a great job helping those in need.

I am speaking in general, the overall picture that I am getting is that some churches as I said before are lukewarm, watering down the gospel, trying not to offend anybody. They do not want to mention the word sin, let alone the blood of Christ.

They just want people to feel comfortable and cozy and enjoy little “sermonette’s.”

Others are trying to be more contemporary, putting on concerts with so-called Christian Bands that don’t look all that much different from Nirvana or the Foo Fighters.

There are so many activities going on around church, that one can loose track of which one to attend. It is sad to see the increase of activities and the rapid decline of teaching the word of truth.

I’m not singling out one particular church or churches, I see a movement within the American Churches that worries me a bit. There is for one a movement called “Religious Pluralism” or “Interfaith movement” which I wrote a few weeks ago about that is sweeping the churches, especially those who were already pretty much in agreement with the world and have  compromised the true gospel.

I see this movement to be more “Contemprovant” in many churches and it does worry me to a degree. We now need light shows and PA systems that Metallica would be happy to have when they go on tour. Whatever happened to the more simple things? A time of worship and praise, followed by a study from the word of God? Why does everything has to look like modern and up to date?

The early church didn’t have any of that and there was no need to have any of those modern things like light shows, gigantic speakers and worship bands that look just like secular bands with their designer clothing and tattoos (Christian tattoos of course).

There is an old saying that goes something like that: If the Holy Spirit would have been removed from the early church, the church would have ceased to exist. If the Holy Spirit would be removed from today’s churches, 90% of the activities would continue.

Those are just one of my personal thoughts and I’m not saying that I’m right and everybody else is wrong. I’m just voicing some concerns and I would truly appreciate your feedback from either side of this issue.

May the Lord richly bless you and may we not lose our focus on Jesus, as Peter did when he stepped out of the boat to walk on the water as Jesus did. He lost focus and he started to drown. May the church not drown because it has lost it’s focus on Jesus and the guidance of the Holy Spirit.

Here is a link to a Christian Parody video called “Contemprovant”.  I think you get the idea.



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