Climate Change – Evolution and Abortions

Global-Climate-Change3There has been a lot of talk lately on the subject of climate change in the news media, newspapers and magazines. People are divided on the issue to say the least. Some are strong opponents on the claims of climate change ( formerly know as Global warming) made by those who support the claim. Many European nations and the US are pushing for changes to avoid, what they call a catastrophic future if nothing gets done. Opponents say that these claims are not factual and will cost billions without knowing if anything will change.

I’m not an expert on Climate change and I’m not writing on Evolution here in scientific details, but just a few thoughts that went through my mind about this hot button issue.

What if this supposedly, change in climate is nothing more than the next evolutionary step in the history of the earth? The secular world believes and promotes Charles Darwin’s view of evolution and it is being taught in schools around the world as factual. In the view of the evolutionist, the earth came into being by the big bang, some 4.3 billion years ago, by some particles colliding in space, giving birth to the universe and the earth that we now inhabit. If people believe the evolutionary teachings by Darwin, would it not be possible, that evolution is continuing today, and we are first hand eyewitnesses to it?

Are we in the unique position to see the earth going through another evolutionary step? Charles Darwin called it natural selection, the survival of the fittest. If this climate change is so horrific for the future of mankind, maybe mankind is moving towards extinction, giving way for a more superior species? The Dinosaurs and many other creatures have been extinct for millions of years, according to evolutionist. Other creatures have gone through dramatic changes, to become what they are today. Before we were humans, we were nothing more than apes and we evolved to humans as we are now, over the long process of evolution, if we believe certain scientist.

Thus man is nothing more than an animal, who was not created by an almighty Creator, but rather came into existence by accident . Yet, there seems to be a strong will to survive for mankind,  to go on living into infinity. Why is that? If we are nothing more than creatures, why not just let the evolutionary process take place and man will be replaced by who knows?

If the earth is heating up as they claim, even though, earth has been through climate change in history before, we may see some drastic changes in the near future. The food supply, coastal flooding and drastic changes in the weather patterns will be some of the consequences caused by climate change accordion to a new report by the UN, if we ignore it.

“There is still time to adapt to some of the coming changes and reduce heat-trapping emissions, so it’s not all bad, said study co-author Patricia Romero-Lankao of the National Center for Atmospheric Research in Colorado. “We have a closing window of opportunity,” she said. “We do have choices. We need to act now.”

The outcry to do something is great among the scientist and politicians to spring into action now before it is too late. Of course, this will come with a heavy price tag, for the tax payers, many changes will have to be made, if they want to combat this supposedly existing and threatening climate change.

I’m not sure if this “climate change” is man-made or just another cycle that the earth is going through. As I said in the beginning, I am not an expert on these things, but I do have a feeling that there is an agenda behind all of this. The Green movement has been around for a while now and Al Gore’s claims of Global warming, now called climate change, has survived.  If people believe in the theory of evolution, than people should not be surprised to see changes in the climate.

This is the Holy Grail for many liberals, environmentalist and others, who want to see drastic changes in Europe and the US, while other countries like China, India and keep polluting.

The liberals here in the US, are already calling out to punish polluters and those who deny climate change. Here is a quote from an article that I will link to at the end of this post:

“Man-made climate change happens. Man-made climate change kills a lot of people. It’s going to kill a lot more. We have laws on the books to punish anyone whose lies contribute to people’s deaths. It’s time to punish the climate-change liars.”

It amazes me somehow that so many scientist, politicians, environmentalist and liberals place so much value on a human life. Yet, they see nothing wrong with aborting the innocence daily in great numbers around the world. Just today, as I’m writing this, 2048 abortions took place just in the US alone. Since Roe vs Wade in 1973, over 56 million abortions took place in the US. Planned Parenthood aborted over 6.7 million unborn since 1970. This year, over 82.000 abortions were performed by Planned Parenthood. Worldwide, there have been over 1,3 billion abortions since 1980. Over 75.000 just today. Where is the outcry and the voice for these innocent unborn? Where are the politicians and liberals when it comes to the murder of billions because of mostly unwanted pregnancies?

Climate change, if it is a fact, may kill many people in the future, but Abortion is a fact and has and is killing human life each and every day. Who will speak up on this Holocaust?


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