Study thyself…Mr. Bill O’Reilly (Revised/Updated)

BillOoriginalNote to the reader: This is a revision of my original post. Please read the original article, which follows the video link to the Factor Video.

Since the airing of the Factor with Bill O’Reilly, there has been somewhat of an outrage about his statement that the Gospels have contradictions and that many of the stories in the Bible are allegories. Many of his viewers and myself do not agree with his view and interpretation of the Bible.

On March 6th, Bill interviewed Robert Jeffress  the Senior Pastor of the First Baptist Church of Dallas. O’Reilly  in his own words admitted that he personally does not believe in the story of Adam and Eve, Noah and Jonah who was in the belly of the great fish for three days. He said that the Roman Catholic Church teaches that those and many other stories in the Bible are allegories to teach us spiritual lessons.

Pastor Jeffries did not agree with Mr. O’Reilly on those points such as Adam and Eve and Jonah. The Pastor pointed out to O’Reilly that Jesus confirmed those stories and that He did not look at them as allegorical stories but real people and that they are true stories in the Bible.Unfortunately, O’Reilly also believes in evolution rather than a six day creation of all things by Almighty God.

I am attaching the video link of that conversation between Jeffries and O’Reilly. You can judge for yourself. I have come to the conclusion that Bill O’Reilly has absolutely no spiritual understanding of the Bible and what it teaches. He even wants to separate the Old Testament from the New Testament, which is absurd. The Old Testament is all about Jesus and without the OT we would not have the full picture of God’s plan for the redemption of mankind.

Every single book of the Old Testament points to Jesus. The New Testament reveals what the Old Testament concealed.

Bill O’Reilly is exactly the kind of person Paul wrote about: “But the natural man does not receive the things of the Spirit of God, for they are foolishness to him; nor can he know them, because they are spiritually discerned.” 1 Corinthians 2:14.

Here is the link:

My original article before the above revision/update:

Bill O’Reilly did a segment on the factor about the new documentary  series, “The Bible” on the History channel. He stated in this segment that there are many contradictions in the Gospels, which led me to respond, because I couldn’t believe my ears that evening, that a statement like that would be made by a so-called Christian.

Since I wrote this article, some people wrote Bill  via e-mail, which he reads at the end of the factor. One of the viewers responded by writing that Jesus confirmed Jonah, creation i.e Adam and Eve, to which O’Reilly responded that the viewer was absolutely wrong and that he should read his new book Killing Jesus to find the truth. There are many people who disagree with Mister Bill O’Reilly.

Mr. O’Reilly, there are no contradictions, the four gospels compliment each other, each from a different viewpoint.

It’s like 4 people, standing on a different corner of an intersection, watching an accident. All four saw the same event, but from a slightly different perspective.

Each Gospel gives us a unique look at the life of Jesus and we get the complete picture by studying them. There are no contradictions.

Every time someone claims that there are contradictions in the Bible, they have been refuted by various true Bible scholars and people who have studied the Bible in-depth.

As followers and disciples of Jesus, we all need to know and study the word so that we can defend our faith.

Bill O’Reilly comes from a Roman Catholic background. I don’t doubt his faith, but when it comes to the knowledge of the whole counsel of God, I have to question that. I have heard him many times speak about faith and Jesus, but I am certain that he hasn’t done any expository studies of any books in the Bible.

The Roman Catholic Church is not known for teaching the word of God to the people verse by verse, book by book in an expository fashion. I don’t mean to offend any of my Roman Catholic friends, but in my opinion, most Roman Catholics around the world do not have a comprehensive understanding of the written word of God.

When it comes to Mr. O’Reilly, I wish that he would just stick to politics, where he has an opinion, but please Mr. O’Reilly do not make statements like you did tonight and presenting them as factual.

God’s word does not contradict itself. God’s word is the absolute truth.

“All Scripture is given by inspiration of God, and is profitable for doctrine, for reproof, for correction, for instruction in righteousness, that the man of God may be complete, thoroughly equipped for every good work.” 2 Timothy 3:16, 17.

“Study to shew thyself approved unto God, a workman that needeth not to be ashamed, rightly dividing the word of truth.” 2 Timothy 2:15.

The Fear that I have is , that once the new book is coming out that many weaker or liberal Christians in the faith will believe the views of O’Reilly, just as many of these weak unlearned Christians believed Dan Brown’s “The Da Vinci Code.”

I hope that many will see this error of O’Reilly and realize that he is not a strong and studied Bible believing Christian. His tip of the day the other day was to at least spend one hour a week thinking about spiritual things. One Hour? For a true disciple and follower of Jesus Christ we are or should be in the Spirit 24/7 365 days a year. Everyday we commune with God not just once a week to atone as he said it on his show.

Personally I view Bill O’Reilly as a very opinionated and arrogant person, that acts like he is above others. I do not see the humbleness Jesus Who is God displayed while He was walking the earth in Bill O’Reilly. Even-though scriptures tell us to become more and more like Christ, conforming into His image.

I don’t like judging people, but I believe strongly that O’Reilly is wrong on this and I will not read his book, because I have the feeling that it will have many inaccuracy in it that stem from his Roman Catholic View rather than from a born again view.

If he had the Holy Spirit dwelling within him, he would never say the things he says, because it is the Holy Spirit Who bears witness to the truth found only in the Word of God.

I would like my readers to understand that these opinions are mine and I am not out to offend anybody, but I as believer need to speak up when someone makes a bold statements by people like O’Reilly. Please pray for Bill Reilly and many other Roman Catholic believers that have the same views, that they would be filled with the Holy Spirit and see the truth.

Video courtesy of Fox News Corp.


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